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Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Documentation for Parix Blogger Templates Top

Parix Blogger Template

Name Parix Blogger Template
Created by Minh Anh
Online Demo
Created Date (Template) March 10, 2014
Shared By
Minh Anh on themeforest
Created Date (Documentation) April 4, 2014
Shared By

Thank you for buying my template. Parix is one page blogger template (powered by This is clean and elegant template with supported shortcodes, supported Awesome Fonts, thumbnails smart-resize. Especially, Portfolio( with nice effects help management of categories become more easier - you just check to add and uncheck to remove category. Moreover, Ajax Pagination helps page loading become quicker, save more time and more convenient. Parix Template is designed carefully with many options of shortcodes. Two styles of slideshows on top of page, two featured posts styles, and more.

Please see instruction below to know how it works

Table of content.

  1. 1. Backup
  2. 2. Upload Template
  3. 3. Using Layout
    1. 3.1 Logo(Header)
    2. 3.2 SlideShow(Introduction)
    3. 3.3 About us
    4. 3.4 Featured Posts
    5. 3.5 Textslide
    6. 3.6 Portfolio
    7. 3.8-3.11 Sidebar
    8. 3.12 Recent Comments
    9. 3.13 Contact
  4. 4. Customize
  5. 5. Enable Responsive

1.0 Backup

All images and scripts need to live somewhere on the web so your blog can access them. Unfortunately Blogger will not help you host these and, most likely, the theme default will use the assets of the blogger template maker hosted on the web, in this case, all file (including but not limited to images, script) hosted in my own hosting If the template maker decides to move or delete these assets, or something happens to their hosting account, then they vanish from your blog theme as well.So, rather than rely on an anonymous third party, it makes sense to host the images and scripts for your blog somewhere you have control over them.I recommend you to do a backup for at least the template script for every change that you make. By doing a backup, you can restore the data anytime.

2.0 Upload Templates

The template that you've downloaded is stored as a *zip file. Extract the *zip file before uses. You can upload your template by two ways below

First way (image 1):

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click
  2. Choose Backup/Restore button
  3. Click Choose File and select file name is Parix.xml
  4. Then click Upload button to Upload Template

Second way (image 2):

In some cases, you cannot Upload Template because the network speed is slow or other troubles. Then, you can use this way to Upload.

  1. Open Template "Parix.xml" by Notepad++ software and Copy all
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click
  3. Choose Edit HTML button
  4. Click Save template to complete your upload

3.0 Using Layout

To use the Layout, from your dashboard, go to This Layout devided into many sections. See explain :

3.1 Logo(Header)

By click "Edit" button in the bottom right of widget. You come to options to Customize this Widget like the image beside. You can Edit Blog Title, Add Blog Description or You also can make blog logo choosing image. In this case, I used image to make blog logo like :

3.2 SlideShow

We created two styles for slideshow. It means you can change the style by shortcodes very easy.


Load 3 posts from Label_name is Intro with shortcodes is slideshow-v1 and number_characters is 450 .Then I will use :

Manual HTML code:
See file: HTMLintro.txt


Load 3 posts from Label_name is Intro with shortcodes is slideshow-v1 and number_characters is 450 .Then I will use :

Manual HTML code:
There is no manual HTML code.

How to configure (Video Guide) :

3.3 About Us

About Us is HTML/Javascript widget. You can add HTML code :

 <div class='story'>
    <div class='float-right'>
        <h2 class='ab-title'>About us</h2> 
        <div class='ab-line'>
            <span class='line' />
            <span class='line-point' />
        <div class='about-left'>
            <img src='' />
        <div class='about-right'>
            <div class='ab-name'>We are Parix</div>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas diam sapien, auctor sed blandit nec, adipiscing eget elit. Duis tempor elementum quam consequat condimentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
                ridiculus mus.Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum. Ut commodo arcu massa..</p>
            <ul id='about-list'>
                <li><a href='#'>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit metus.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Curabitur quis rhoncus tellus, quis lorem ipsum tooltip.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Glavrida dolor ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit metus.</a>



FEATURED POSTS is HTML/JS widget. To load posts you just follow shortcode syntax below:
Example: Load 3 posts from Label_name is Featured Work with style_name is featured-v1 and Display_Title is Featured Post and Description is Praesent volutpat...I will use:

[3][Featured Work][featured-v1][Featured Posts][Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum]
Watch video below to know how to configure it.

3.5 Textslide

Textslide is HTML/JS widget. To load posts you just follow shortcode syntax below:

Check video below for more details:

3.6 Fortfolio

Fortfolio is just Label widget. Check video below to know how to configure it.

3.7 Blog Posts

To enable blog Author, you just click Edit button of Blog Posts and check box : "Enable Author Below Blog Posts"

To load more than 3 posts, you just come to HTML editting mode and find with keyword: numberposts = "3", then change value from 3 to value you want.(see image below):

3.8 - 3.11.Sidebar

In sidebar you can add any widget you want. By default, you just notice only to Accordition widget. It is HTML/Javascript widget.
To add it, you just add HTML code below:

<section class="ac-container">
        <input id="ac-1" name="accordion-1" type="radio" checked />
        <label for="ac-1">About us</label>
        <article class="ac-small">
            <p>Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows.</p>
        <input id="ac-2" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-2">How we work</label>
        <article class="ac-medium">
            <p>Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules not order, a world where righteousness is
                not rewarded. That's Cesar's world, and if you're not willing to play by his rules, then you're gonna have to pay the price.</p>
        <input id="ac-3" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-3">References</label>
        <article class="ac-large">
            <p>You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. Now, I don't know exactly when we turned on
                each other, but I know that seven of us survived the slide... and only five made it out. Now we took an oath, that I'm breaking now. We said we'd say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn't. Nature is lethal but it doesn't
                hold a candle to man.</p>
        <input id="ac-4" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-4">Contact us</label>
        <article class="ac-large">
            <p>You see? It's curious. Ted did figure it out - time travel. And when we get back, we gonna tell everyone. How it's possible, how it's done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black
                hole does the computer call it an 'unknown entry event'? Why don't they know? If they don't know, that means we never told anyone. And if we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of
                deductive logic.</p>

3.12 Recent Comments.

Comments is HTML/Javascript widget. you just add javascript code below to view comment in your blog.
<div class='story'>
    <div class='float-right'>
        <h2 class='ab-title'>Recent Comments</h2>
        <div class='ab-line'><span class='line' /><span class='line-point' /></span>
        <span class='description'>Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum</span>

 Documentation for Parix Blogger Templates





Parix Blogger Template

Name Parix Blogger Template
Created by Minh Anh
Online Demo
Created Date (Template) March 10, 2014
Shared By
Minh Anh on themeforest
Created Date (Documentation) April 4, 2014
Shared By

Thank you for buying my template. Parix is one page blogger template (powered by This is clean and elegant template with supported shortcodes, supported Awesome Fonts, thumbnails smart-resize. Especially, Portfolio( with nice effects help management of categories become more easier - you just check to add and uncheck to remove category. Moreover, Ajax Pagination helps page loading become quicker, save more time and more convenient. Parix Template is designed carefully with many options of shortcodes. Two styles of slideshows on top of page, two featured posts styles, and more.

Please see instruction below to know how it works

Table of content.

  1. 1. Backup
  2. 2. Upload Template
  3. 3. Using Layout
    1. 3.1 Logo(Header)
    2. 3.2 SlideShow(Introduction)
    3. 3.3 About us
    4. 3.4 Featured Posts
    5. 3.5 Textslide
    6. 3.6 Portfolio
    7. 3.8-3.11 Sidebar
    8. 3.12 Recent Comments
    9. 3.13 Contact
  4. 4. Customize
  5. 5. Enable Responsive

1.0 Backup

All images and scripts need to live somewhere on the web so your blog can access them. Unfortunately Blogger will not help you host these and, most likely, the theme default will use the assets of the blogger template maker hosted on the web, in this case, all file (including but not limited to images, script) hosted in my own hosting If the template maker decides to move or delete these assets, or something happens to their hosting account, then they vanish from your blog theme as well.So, rather than rely on an anonymous third party, it makes sense to host the images and scripts for your blog somewhere you have control over them.I recommend you to do a backup for at least the template script for every change that you make. By doing a backup, you can restore the data anytime.

2.0 Upload Templates

The template that you've downloaded is stored as a *zip file. Extract the *zip file before uses. You can upload your template by two ways below

First way (image 1):

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click
  2. Choose Backup/Restore button
  3. Click Choose File and select file name is Parix.xml
  4. Then click Upload button to Upload Template

Second way (image 2):

In some cases, you cannot Upload Template because the network speed is slow or other troubles. Then, you can use this way to Upload.

  1. Open Template "Parix.xml" by Notepad++ software and Copy all
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click
  3. Choose Edit HTML button
  4. Click Save template to complete your upload

3.0 Using Layout

To use the Layout, from your dashboard, go to This Layout devided into many sections. See explain :

3.1 Logo(Header)

By click "Edit" button in the bottom right of widget. You come to options to Customize this Widget like the image beside. You can Edit Blog Title, Add Blog Description or You also can make blog logo choosing image. In this case, I used image to make blog logo like :

3.2 SlideShow

We created two styles for slideshow. It means you can change the style by shortcodes very easy.


Load 3 posts from Label_name is Intro with shortcodes is slideshow-v1 and number_characters is 450 .Then I will use :

Manual HTML code:
See file: HTMLintro.txt


Load 3 posts from Label_name is Intro with shortcodes is slideshow-v1 and number_characters is 450 .Then I will use :

Manual HTML code:
There is no manual HTML code.

How to configure (Video Guide) :

3.3 About Us

About Us is HTML/Javascript widget. You can add HTML code :

 <div class='story'>
    <div class='float-right'>
        <h2 class='ab-title'>About us</h2> 
        <div class='ab-line'>
            <span class='line' />
            <span class='line-point' />
        <div class='about-left'>
            <img src='' />
        <div class='about-right'>
            <div class='ab-name'>We are Parix</div>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas diam sapien, auctor sed blandit nec, adipiscing eget elit. Duis tempor elementum quam consequat condimentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
                ridiculus mus.Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum. Ut commodo arcu massa..</p>
            <ul id='about-list'>
                <li><a href='#'>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit metus.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Curabitur quis rhoncus tellus, quis lorem ipsum tooltip.</a>
                <li><a href='#'>Glavrida dolor ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit metus.</a>



FEATURED POSTS is HTML/JS widget. To load posts you just follow shortcode syntax below:
Example: Load 3 posts from Label_name is Featured Work with style_name is featured-v1 and Display_Title is Featured Post and Description is Praesent volutpat...I will use:

[3][Featured Work][featured-v1][Featured Posts][Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum]
Watch video below to know how to configure it.

3.5 Textslide

Textslide is HTML/JS widget. To load posts you just follow shortcode syntax below:

Check video below for more details:

3.6 Fortfolio

Fortfolio is just Label widget. Check video below to know how to configure it.

3.7 Blog Posts

To enable blog Author, you just click Edit button of Blog Posts and check box : "Enable Author Below Blog Posts"

To load more than 3 posts, you just come to HTML editting mode and find with keyword: numberposts = "3", then change value from 3 to value you want.(see image below):

3.8 - 3.11.Sidebar

In sidebar you can add any widget you want. By default, you just notice only to Accordition widget. It is HTML/Javascript widget.
To add it, you just add HTML code below:

<section class="ac-container">
        <input id="ac-1" name="accordion-1" type="radio" checked />
        <label for="ac-1">About us</label>
        <article class="ac-small">
            <p>Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows.</p>
        <input id="ac-2" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-2">How we work</label>
        <article class="ac-medium">
            <p>Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules not order, a world where righteousness is
                not rewarded. That's Cesar's world, and if you're not willing to play by his rules, then you're gonna have to pay the price.</p>
        <input id="ac-3" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-3">References</label>
        <article class="ac-large">
            <p>You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. Now, I don't know exactly when we turned on
                each other, but I know that seven of us survived the slide... and only five made it out. Now we took an oath, that I'm breaking now. We said we'd say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn't. Nature is lethal but it doesn't
                hold a candle to man.</p>
        <input id="ac-4" name="accordion-1" type="radio" />
        <label for="ac-4">Contact us</label>
        <article class="ac-large">
            <p>You see? It's curious. Ted did figure it out - time travel. And when we get back, we gonna tell everyone. How it's possible, how it's done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black
                hole does the computer call it an 'unknown entry event'? Why don't they know? If they don't know, that means we never told anyone. And if we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of
                deductive logic.</p>

3.12 Recent Comments.

Comments is HTML/Javascript widget. you just add javascript code below to view comment in your blog.
<div class='story'>
    <div class='float-right'>
        <h2 class='ab-title'>Recent Comments</h2>
        <div class='ab-line'><span class='line' /><span class='line-point' /></span>
        <span class='description'>Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum</span>
            if (getTitles)
                document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://' + window.location.hostname + '/feeds/posts/summary?redirect=false' + maxResultsPosts + '&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPostUrlsForComments"></' + 'script>');
            document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://' + window.location.hostname + '/feeds/comments/default?redirect=false' + maxResultsComments + '&alt=json-in-script&callback=showRecentComments"></' + 'script>');

3.13 - 3.15. Contact (Follow Us + Contact Info + Contact Form).

Contact is HTML/Javascript widget, you just add HTML code below and customize it.

Follow Us

<h2 class='ab-title'>Follow Us</h2>
<div class='ab-line'><span class='line' /><span class='line-point' /></span>
<span class='description'>Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum</span>
<div class='followus'>
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='fb icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Join the Conversation
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='tw icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Follow us on Twitter
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='gl icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Join Our Circle
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='tube icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            View Exclusive Videos

Contact Info

<div class='borderbox'>
    <div class='wpb_wrapper'>
        <div class='wpb_text_column wpb_content_element '>
            <div class='wpb_wrapper'>
                <h3>Contact Info</h3>
                <ul class='contact-info'>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-map-marker'></i>City Name, Your Addres, Home 9999</li>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-phone'></i>+123 456 789</li>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i><a href='mailto:'></a>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-globe'></i><a href='#'></a>

4.0 Customize Design

In Customize Design, you can change font, color and background...

To come this place, you just follow: Dashboard -> Template -> Customize.

5.0 Run Responsive

To run responsive design, you need to disable Mobile Mode in Blogger setting:

if (getTitles) document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://' + window.location.hostname + '/feeds/posts/summary?redirect=false' + maxResultsPosts + '&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPostUrlsForComments"></' + 'script>'); document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://' + window.location.hostname + '/feeds/comments/default?redirect=false' + maxResultsComments + '&alt=json-in-script&callback=showRecentComments"></' + 'script>'); //]]> </script> </div> </div>

3.13 - 3.15. Contact (Follow Us + Contact Info + Contact Form).

Contact is HTML/Javascript widget, you just add HTML code below and customize it.

Follow Us

<h2 class='ab-title'>Follow Us</h2>
<div class='ab-line'><span class='line' /><span class='line-point' /></span>
<span class='description'>Praesent volutpat nisl fringilla felis sodales elementum</span>
<div class='followus'>
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='fb icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Join the Conversation
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='tw icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Follow us on Twitter
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='gl icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            Join Our Circle
    <div class='fl facebook'>
        <div class='tube icon'>
            <a href='#' />
        <div class='fltitle'>
            View Exclusive Videos

Contact Info

<div class='borderbox'>
    <div class='wpb_wrapper'>
        <div class='wpb_text_column wpb_content_element '>
            <div class='wpb_wrapper'>
                <h3>Contact Info</h3>
                <ul class='contact-info'>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-map-marker'></i>City Name, Your Addres, Home 9999</li>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-phone'></i>+123 456 789</li>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i><a href='mailto:'></a>
                    <li><i class='fa fa-globe'></i><a href='#'></a>

4.0 Customize Design

In Customize Design, you can change font, color and background...

To come this place, you just follow: Dashboard -> Template -> Customize.

5.0 Run Responsive

To run responsive design, you need to disable Mobile Mode in Blogger setting:

How To Parix

By: Unknown on: 22.33

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011



Membentuk manusia beriman dan bertaqwa, berilmu, berteknologi dan berakhlaqul karimah.

  1. Menumbuhkan kesadaran keyakinan ajaran Islam
  2. Dapat menjalankan ajaran Islam dengan benar
  3. Mendidik siswa agar memiliki ilmu pengetahuan yang berorientasi ke masa depan dan inovatif
  4. Menumbuhkan semangat daya berfikir modern berlandaskan iman dan taqwa
  5. Siswa memiliki kepribadian Islami


Adalah ingin menghasilkan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT, berbudi luhur, berkepribadian, mandiri, tangguh, cerdas, kreatif, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, sehat jasmani dan rohani, memiliki semangat kebangsaan cinta tanah air, kesetiakawanan sosial, kesadaran akan sejarah bangsa dan sikap menghargai pahlawan serta berorientasi masa depan.

Secara khusus MTs. Al Ittihad bertujuan menghasilkan keluaran pendidikan yang berkemampuan dalam hal :
  1. Keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sebagai madrasah yang bercirikhas Islami
  2. Nasionalisme dan patriotisme tinggi
  3. Wawasan iptek yang mendalam dan luas
  4. Motivasi dan komitmen yang tinggi untuk mencapai prestasi serta memiliki kepribadian yang kokoh
  5. Kepekaan sosial dan kepemimpinan
  6. Disiplin yang tinggi yang ditunjang oleh kondisi fisik yang sehat

Sasaran yang ingin dicapai dengan pengembangan MTs. Al Ittihad adalah:

  1. Menjadi Institusi Pendidikan yang berkualitas, mampu menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan secara professional, dan menyiapkan peserta didik untuk memasuki madrasah yang lebih tinggi
  2. Sebagai Institusi pendidikan yang mampu mendemonstrasikan proses pendidikan yang komprehensif dan memfokuskan kegiatannya pada upaya memfasilitasi proses belajar siswa yang aktif, dinamis, mandiri dan inovatif.
  3. Mampu memperansertakan potensi masyarakat secara fungsional, proporsional dan integratif demi optimilisasi pembinaan dan pengembangan lembaga pendidikan yang berkualitas
  4. Mnjadikan lembaga pendidikan yang kehadirannya diminati masyarakat

1. MTs. Al Ittihad memiliki karakteristik utama:

  • Mengkombinasikan antara program pendidikan umum dengan pendidikan agama
  • Kepemimpinan dan kultur bersifat demokratif dan mandiri, memfungsikan secara optimal seluruh komponen madrasah, mengutamakan pengembangan aspirasi warga madrasah
  • Menyediakan program pendidikan yang relevan dan berkaitan erat dengan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat
2. Kurikulum dan sistem pengajaran dinamis
3. Fasilitas akademis madrasah : Laboratorium, Perpustakaan dan ruang kelas yang ideal 4. Kultur madrasah mendorong suatu kondisi warga madrasah:

  • Belajar memiliki dimensi ibadah
  • Kerja keras tanpa mengenal lelah merupakan kebisa aan
  • Bekerjasama merupakan suatu sunnah
  • Saling menghormati terutama kepada yang lebih tua merupakan kebutuhan
  • Keterbukaan dan persamaan merupakan dasar interaksi sesamanya

Pengelolaan MTs. Al Ittihad harus mampu menampilkan diri sebagai dalam konfigurasi sebagai berikut :
  1. Mampu menampilkan diri sebagai lembaga pendidikan formal tingkat dasar yang berkualitas dan bercirikan Islam
  2. Dikelola dalam sistem management permadrasah an secara profesional
  3. Memiliki SDM yang memadahi dan professional sebagai penggerak dan pelaksana program pendidikan dan pengembangan kelembagaan
  4. Mampu melaksanakan proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran dengan berbagai pendekatan, metodologi, dan inovasi yang bernuansa akademik - edukatif, sistematik, dinamis dan integratif
  5. Mampu menampilkan diri sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang berkinerja baik sehingga dapat diapersepsi dan diapresiasi secara positif oleh masyarakat luas
  6. Kegiatan pendidikan dan proses pembelajaran di MTs. Al Ittihad baik yang bersifat Intra maupun Ekstrakurikuler harus mampu memberikan pengalaman belajar yang paling berharga kepada peserta didik
  7. MTs. Al Ittihad perlu ditata sebagai lingkungan pendidikan yang baik dan menyenangkan serta mampu mendorong SDM madrasah menampilkan kinerja yang optimal
  8. Mampu mengembangkan diri sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang mampu memelihara standar kualitas pendidikan untuk dijadikan pilihan masyarakat sekitar
  9. Konsep manajemen madrasah perlu ditempatkan secara fungsional dan proporsional sebagai milik dan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari budaya dan kemajuan masyarakat sekitar[.]
Maju terus MTs Al-Ittihad

Jeewani is a freelance web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design.

Website: Premium Blog Templates

Visi Dan Misi Madrasah

By: Unknown on: 17.26

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011


Al-Ittihad menuju era baru mengantarkan putra-putri bangsa menyongsong masa depan gemilang melalui pendidikan modern berbasis nurani, agamis dan mandiri.

Maju terus MTs Al-Ittihad

MTs Al-Ittihad, Wajah Baru

By: Unknown on: 17.01

Jumat, 24 April 2009

Ongkos Perang yang Mubazir

Invasi Amerika ke Irak pada 2003 telah mengirim kabar buruk bukan hanya bagi jutaan warga sipil Irak yang hingga kini hidup dalam kecamuk konflik atau empat ribuan keluarga tentara AS yang tewas di sekujur negeri Abu Nawas itu. Tetapi juga buat warga AS yang harus merogoh kocek --membayar pajak-- demi membiayai perang yang tak pernah memiliki pembenaran itu. Presiden George Walker Bush --yang menabuh genderang perang-- pun akan dikenang sebagai salah seorang presiden Amerika yang penuh bercak darah. Selain menghabiskan triliunan dolar, Bush telah mengirim popularitas Amerika tersungkur di seantero jagad --bahkan di negara-negara sekutunya.

Survei Pew Research Center menyebutkan perang telah mengubah secara dramatis kekaguman warga dunia pada Amerika. Kekaguman warga dunia pada Amerika di 26 dari 33 negara yang disurvei menurun. Pada 2007, kekaguman itu merosot sembilan persen di Turki dan 29 persen di Indonesia. Bahkan di Kanada, Inggris, Jerman, dan Prancis, kepercayaan pada kepemimpinan Vladimir Putin (Rusia) melampaui kepercayaan terhadap kepemimpinan Bush. Survei lebih mutakhir Pew menunjukkan, keberadaan AS di Irak dianggap sebagai ancaman yang lebih besar bagi perdamaian dunia daripada Korea Utara.

Amerika juga tak lagi dipercaya sebagai benteng hak-hak sipil dan demokrasi. Sekitar 65 persen rakyat Jerman, 66 persen rakyat Spanyol, dan 67 persen rakyat Brasil, misalnya, tidak suka terhadap gagasan Amerika soal demokrasi. Angka ini makin tinggi di Palestina (71 persen), Pakistan (72 persen) dan Turki (81 persen). Perang Irak tak pelak menjatuhkan martabat AS. Tak urung kini warga dunia selalu awas dengan setiap gagasan yang ditelurkan negeri itu, termasuk di bawah Presiden Barack Husein Obama yang diinginkan mengubah wajah ''polisi dunia'' itu.

Buku Joseph E Stiglitz dan Linda J. Belmes ini secara khusus menyelidiki biaya yang dikeluarkan AS dan juga para sekutunya untuk perang Irak. Biaya yang ditanggung Depkeu AS dan itu berarti harus ditanggung pembayar pajak antara 1,7 trilun hingga 2,7 triliun dolar. Ditambah biaya ''sosial'' substansial, yakni biaya-biaya yang tak tertangkap dalam anggaran pemerintah federal, tapi sebenarnya mencerminkan beban sesungguhnya yang dipikul warga AS berkisar antara 300 miliar hingga 400 miliar dolar AS. Total antara 2 triliun hingga 3,1 triliun dolar. Sama dengan 12 tahun biaya perang di Vietnam dan dua kali lipat dibandingkan dengan biaya perang di Korea!

Padahal dengan 1 triliun dolar, negeri itu bisa membangun 8 juta unit rumah, menggaji 15 juta guru selama setahun, membayar asuransi kesehatan 530 juta anak selama setahun, memberikan beasiswa empat tahun pada 43 juta mahasiswa di universitas negeri. Akan semakin banyak lagi manfaat yang didapat warga AS dengan dana 3 triliun dolar.

Peraih Nobel Ekonomi 2001, Stiglitz dan Bilmes, membagi biaya perang itu menjadi dua: biaya perang saat ini dan biaya perang masa datang. Biaya saat ini yang sudah dikeluarkan meningkat dari 4,4 miliar dolar (2003) menjadi 16 miliar dolar pada 2008. Dengan demikian, tiap keluarga Amerika telah membelanjakan 138 dolar setiap bulan untuk biaya operasi perang dan 100 dolar per bulan secara otomatis mengalir ke Irak (hlm. 63). Pada April 2009 ini, Barak Obama tengah butuh dana 83,4 juta dolar untuk keperluan mengirim pasukan ke Irak dan Afganistan. Menurut riset Kongres AS, total pengeluaran untuk perang di kedua negara itu menjadi satu triliun dolar AS sejak serangan teroris pada 11 September 2001.

Biaya perang masa datang dihitung sebab para pembayar pajak AS berutang miliaran dolar kepada para veteran yang memenuhi syarat mendapat kompensasi cacat, perawatan dan tunjangan medis. Dengan taksiran pasukan AS bertahan di Irak hingga 2017, biaya untuk pasukan akan bertambah 382 miliar dolar. Ini hampir 200 miliar dolar yang diminta Bush untuk operasi tahun fiskal 2008 serta operasi dari 2009 hingga 2017. Ini skenario terbaik. Tapi, bagaimana jika hingga 2017 jumlah pasukan yang diterjunkan di medan perang Irak dan Afganistan --termasuk operasi terhadap Al Qaeda-- mencapai 2,1 juta orang? Dalam skenario ini, biaya penugasan pasukan mencapai 400 ribu dolar per kapita. Sedangkan biaya total operasi masa datang akan lebih dari 913 miliar dolar. Dari jumlah itu, 669 miliar dolar untuk Irak.

Misalnya klaim cacat veteran sekitar 45 persen dan 88 persen dari klaim-klaim itu sebagian dikabulkan, maka ada 712.800 pasukan AS akan mengklaim tunjangannya. Rata-rata pembayaran pada veteran Perang Irak dan Perang Afganistan 542 dolar per bulan per orang. Belum lagi tunjangan veteran berupa penyesuaian biaya hidup yang setara jaminan sosial. Lihatlah

data ini: pada 2003 Departemen Urusan Veteran menanggung biaya perawatan 13.800 orang veteran Irak dan Afganistan. Pada 2008, sudah ada 263.000 veteran Irak dan Afganistan yang harus ditanggungnya.

Untuk para veteran dua perang ini, pemerintah AS harus mengeluarkan 398 miliar dolar (121 miliar dolar untuk perawatan kesehatan dan 277 miliar dolar untuk tunjangan cacat).

Membengkaknya biaya perang merupakan kombinasi dari tiga faktor. Pertama, kenaikan biaya personel --baik pasukan AS atau para tenaga kontrak militer (perusahaan jasa keamanan militer). Kedua, naiknya harga minyak secara drastis. Dan ketiga, kebutuhan untuk membayar ''pengaturan kembali'' secara umum peralatan dan persenjataan karena cadangan peralatan militer bisa aus dan lamanya perang membuat Pentagon harus memberikan pembelian yang tidak direncanakan.

Soal perusahaan jasa keamanan militer, jurnalis Los Angeles Times T. Christian Miller dalam bukunya Blood Money juga mengungkapnya. Menurut Miller, bahkan perusahaan tak berpengalaman asal sanggup mengumbar janji-janji palsu, ditunjuk Pemerintahan Koalisi Sementara (CPA) dan Kantor Rekonstruksi dan Bantuan Kemanusiaan (ORHA) --kepanjangan tangan Pemerintahan Bush-- untuk menggarap proyek penting dan sensitif seperti jasa keamanan untuk melancarkan proses rekonstruksi di Irak. Namun, yang paling eksesif adalah Halliburton --perusahaan yang dekat dengan Dick Cheney (wapres di masa Bush). Bahkan Halliburton acapkali menggelembungkan tagihan kepada otoritas Pemerintahan Koalisi Sementara, termasuk ketika ditunjuk untuk memasok minyak ke Irak, Mei 2003. Apabila Defense Energy Support Center (lembaga bahan bakar Pentagon) mampu mengimpor bahan bakar keperluan militer senilai 1,08 dolar per galon. Halliburton meminta bayaran 2,68 dolar untuk setiap galon minyak yang didatangkannya.

Stiglitz dan Bilmes menduga ada pembayaran berlebih (baca: aroma korupsi) kepada Halliburton. Bukan itu saja, Halliburton mendapat kontrak menyediakan jasa keamanan bertahun-tahun, melebihi dari yang dibutuhkan. Maklum jika perusahaan ini pernah menerima kontrak tunggal menguntungkan senilai 19,3 miliar dolar. Hingga 2007, Deplu AS telah menghabiskan 4 miliar dolar untuk para penjaga keamanan. Dan, penghasilan perusahaan seperti Blackwater dan Dyncorp lebih tinggi dari sersan angkatan darat. Setiap hari para penjaga keamanan mendapat 1.222 dolar atau 445 ribu dolar setahun. Sedangkan sersan hanya menghasilkan 140-190 dolar per hari atau 51.100-69.350 dolar setahun (hlm. 41-44). Sesuatu yang membuat persaingan tidak sehat. Korporasi mendompleng perang, bukan hanya merugikan rakyat Irak tapi menguras pundi-pundi pembayar pajak Amerika.

Perang akan terus memakan dolar jika tak selekas mungkin dihentikan. Bukan itu saja, sederet persoalan kejiwaan menghantui para veteran Irak dan Afganistan. Survei terhadap 2.000 veteran dua perang ini menemukan hampir sepertiganya menderita gangguan stres pascatrauma (PTSD), depresi mayor, cedera otak traumatik atau kombinasinya. Riset the RAND Corporation bahkan menaksir sekitar 300 ribu tentara menderita PTSD atau depresi mayor dan 320 ribu mengalami cedera otak traumatik. Stiglitz dan Bilmes, lewat angka-angka yang dipaparkan mengabarkan pada kita bahwa perang sungguh hal yang mubazir. (*)

JP Online, Minggu, 19 April 2009 / Moh Samsul Arifin, anggota Klub Buku dan Film SCTV


Judul Buku: Perang Tiga Triliun Dolar, Bencana Ekonomi di Balik Invasi Amerika ke Irak
Penulis: Joseph E. Stiglitz dan Linda J. Bilmes
Penerbit: Mizan Bandung
Cetakan: I, Februari 2009
Tebal: 267 halaman

Salam Persahabatan

Ongkos Perang Mubadzir

By: Unknown on: 06.58


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